Introduction Enter Inventory Customer Name Address State Phone Part Code Description Month 1 3 Month Average Days till out Qty Advise Month 2 Month 3 Ending Inv. Bottom Previous Clear Delete Store Delete Part Qty Ord Part Code Description Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 3 Month Average Last Month Ending Qty Ordered This Month Ending Inventory Post Entry Days till out Qty Advise Enter Ending Inventory Close Form Additional Ordered This Month Begin System Monospaced Courier Bammer Hammer Tool Company PTRUCK.BMP Delivery Truck Restock Advisor Bammer Hammer Tool Company (###) ###-#### (###) ###-#### PTRUCK2.BMP Sales History Delivery Truck Restock Advisor" This program is designed to help a delivery person restock customer's shelves. Actually it could be used by any distributor, delivery truck or not. This application keeps track of the past three month sales of each item to determine the amount to restock shelves, assuming a monthly delivery. When you enter the amount currently in stock, the amount sold is calculated along with the 3 month average. The amount sold daily are then calculated based on a 22 work day month. Once you have the amount sold per day, it is a simple calculation to determine how much they will sell over the next month plus one week for a buffer. The procedure is quite simple. Click the Enter Ending Inventory button to enter the current amount in inventory. When you click the store button, all the calculations take place and the item is stored. Features This application features a one-to-many database link (one customer, many items). One of the nicer features is the ability to change the items in the table object by just typing the part code. This is part of the Enter Ending Inventory process. If a customer uses several hundred parts, you would not want to have to page down using the table object to find the part. Also in this application is the use of a graphic (the parts truck) to make the application pleasing. The same .OVG graphic (PTRUCK.OVG) is used on the Introduction form and the Main form. XYZ Hardware 111 Nowhere Seattle 98178 (206) 111-2222 (206) 222-3333 Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Parts Enter Inventory Enter Inventory Enter Inventory Parts Menu.ovd Customer PCUST Customer Name Address State Phone Parts PPARTS Sales Historyz Customer Name Part Code Description Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 3 Month Average Ending Inv Days till out Qty Advise Qty Ord Enter Inventory PPARTS Customer Name Part Code Description Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 3 Month Average Ending Inv Days till out$ Qty Advise% Qty Ord!